Hopkins Youth Festival July 2025
Saturday 18th to Thursday 24th (daily except Sunday)
Newbridge College
Derek Egan,
The Hopkins Youth Festival 2025
tel. 086-4021459 .
Past participants' observations on The Hopkins Youth Festival
Absolutely fantastic! I’ve never experienced anything quite like it and never will again!
Has given me so many lovely memories and increased my level of understanding in art and literature. I received an H1 in my Honours English Leaving Cert and believe that your programme helped me greatly for this exam
I thought the broad range of subjects was excellent and the teachers who worked with us were fantastic
I see poetry from a better angle now, my eyes are open to every possibility of the poem. I now know that I enjoy writing and reading poetry and have all the tips, thanks to this programme.
I loved it, it was brilliant and I enjoyed every aspect.
It has installed in me a great passion for poetry and the English language
Newbridge College, 10 am til 4 pm daily (except Sunday).
Cost of Hopkins Youth Festival 2025
Cost of the programme would be over €300 but this is subsidised by The Hopkins Society. As a result the cost to you, for the week, is kept to €50.
Exam help at hand!
- Emily Dickenson and Sylvia Plath Discussion of Life and Works of Emiy Dickenson and Sylvia Plath with Brett Millier, Professor of American Literature
at Middlebury College, Vermont, USA. - Shakespeare's Drama
An exploration of Shakespeare’s drama on the Leaving Cert. course. Presented by Jenny Adamson, English teacher
and Licentiate, London School of Music & Drama. - An Fhilíocht don Ardteist. Prepare Irish poetry for the Leaving Certificate examination With Derek Egan, Dept. of Education examiner.
- Introduction to Creative Writing ( Poetry and Prose.) Multi-language Translation Workshop
- (with translators from Germany, Japan, Finland and more). The Hopkins Festival Committee, each year, select a HopkinsSonnet. God's Grandeur is the Hopkins Sonnet selected for this year's Translation Workshop. You will be able to work on a version of God's Grandeur in a language of your choice (including Irish, of course).
- Origami Workshp led by Madame Akiko Kidokoro
- After all that work, you will certainly enjoy an Origami Workshp led by
Madame Akiko Kidokoro
Past participants' observations on The Hopkins Youth Festival
Take a look at last year's programme - gives an idea of what is involved in the Hopkins Youth Festival of Arts and Literature.
Details of 2025 programme available here later - or contact Derek
The Hopkins Youth Festival was brilliant! I know a lot more material for the exam and it was meeting other young people with same interst in poetry was wonderful!
I enjoyed The Hopkins Youth Festival greatly. It was one of the best weeks of my summer.
Schools may nominate students they feel would benefit from attending the Hopkins Youth Programme. For further information on the programme contact Derek Egan
or 086-4021459.
For information on the Hopkins Festival see our website www.gerardmanleyhopkins.